Differences between Microcement and Polished Cement

Differences Between Microcement and Polished Concrete

There is often confusion about the differences between microcement and polished concrete. While they share some components, these materials are entirely distinct, with unique applications and characteristics.


One of the key differences is thickness. Microcement has a minimal thickness of 2 to 3 millimeters, whereas polished concrete requires a much greater thickness, typically between 6 and 8 centimeters. These dimensions are essential to ensure high mechanical strength for each material.

Expansion Joints

Microcement does not require expansion joints, unlike polished concrete, which does. This makes microcement an ideal choice for achieving seamless surfaces, a feature highly valued in both residential and commercial spaces.

Cocina microcemento

Versatility in Applications

Unlike polished concrete, microcement can be applied to both floors and walls, allowing for horizontal and vertical applications. It is a decorative material designed to enhance existing surfaces rather than support structural loads.


Despite its thinness, microcement is highly durable. Its strength comes from the fineness of its layers, which enables perfect curing and provides excellent resistance to impacts and scratches.

Advantages of Microcement

These properties have made microcement increasingly popular for home renovations and small commercial spaces. Some of its most notable benefits include:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Eliminates the need for demolition and debris removal, reducing expenses.

  • Minimal Thickness: Does not require sanding doors or adjusting other structural elements.

  • Ease of Application: Can be installed without removing parts of the house, such as door frames or built-in kitchen furniture.

At CimentStudio, we specialize in the application of microcement in Valencia, Alicante, and Castellón. With extensive experience, we ensure top-quality work. Visit our website and contact us for more information! www.cimentstudio.com.

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