5 Reasons Why Microcement has a Bad Reputation

Microcement and its Bad Reputation

Nowadays, when we are in the research phase of a reform for the kitchen or bathroom, it is when we discover Microcement. Later we ask who has to do the work for us. If you are not up to date on microcement applications, you will begin to list the problems you have, and tell us that microcement has a bad name. Problems like:

  • Humidity
  • Spots
  • Material take-off
  • Fissures

And suddenly the idea of ​​applying microcement disappears.

lavabo microcemento

Unfair Reputation

Microcement is right now the most designer cladding material on the market. It is widely used by decorators, interior designers and architects, both in new construction and renovations. It is being used indoors and outdoors, for walls, floors, stairs, furniture, toilets and even ceilings.

Here in this post we go into detail why construction people speak ill of microcement:

  • Ignorance: microcement is a material that has greatly improved its raw materials, resins and varnishes. Many manufacturers used products that were not tested enough and caused the results to not always be as expected.
  • Not enough information: microcement needs to follow steps, waiting times and layers necessary to reach a perfect finish. Information must be clear before starting any job.
  • Bad applicators: in all professions there are professionals who do not do their job well. At the beginning there weren’t many experts, so the failures and bad results in jobs created a bad reputation still existent in many countries.

Unprofessional Beginnings

  • Bad products: polyurethane varnish is a product that has evolved a lot since the beginning of microcement back in 2007. Today it achieves unbeatable hardness and waterproofing. As well as the microcement, which has been increasing its hardness to reach levels for very high pedestrian traffic. Currently it can be used even in commercial premises, where the movement of people is intensive and requires high hardness.

All these events have contributed to the bad reputation of microcement and that many people repeat their problems. At CimentStudio we have had to repair many defects due to misapplication by other professionals, and this has helped us to learn more about all the processes.

Microcement is a continuous decorative coating that adds a touch of exclusivity to any room, and that well applied will not cause problems. It has been and is currently being used by the most renowned interior designers. We can safely say that it is a perfect material to create the desired space with all the colors to your imagination.

We always use material from Lunik (www.lunik.cc), which gives us the confidence to have the best products on the market. 

On our homepage you can continue learning about this material and what we can do to renovate your home.

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